Edible Delmarva: High Summer 2021

By / Photography By | June 24, 2021
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As the heart of the summer season approaches, and the population of our beach and bay communities swells once again, the sense of gratitude lingers. Along with the pent-up energy of a year in wait, there is also joy and delight in being out again. Maybe it’s my imagination, or wishful thinking, but there seems to be a bit more patience waiting for an outdoor table, lining up for an ice cream cone, or even (dare I say it…) navigating traffic.

This year, the sun feels revitalizing, the rain (and there has been rain!) nourishing, and the summer harvest bountiful. In this issue, we celebrate the abundance that is such a vital part of life on Delmarva. Homemade ice cream stands where the distance from cow to cone can literally be seen; harvesting salt by hand from the Barrier Islands of Virginia; connecting with the wildness of Assateague; keeping it summer simple with fresh fish and seafood; and, of course, saluting the season with cool libations inspired by local spirits – we are so lucky to be living in this wonderland of riches.

The resilience of our community and its people has never been more apparent; thinking and acting locally has never been more important.

So as the glorious Delmarva summer arrives with its long days and endless adventures just around the corner, be sure to visit the local places and small businesses that make our community special. Each one contributes to the vitality we love, and it is truly a privilege for us to share their stories.

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