Smith Island workboat Sheila Ann, captained by Roland ‘Pal’ Bradshaw, running past Solomons Lump Lighthouse in Kedges Strait on the way to dredge oysters in Tangier Sound.
Billy 'John' Evans running peeler pots out in Tangier Sound
Smith Island cake
Abandoned truck on Smith Island
Smith Island crab shanty
Kayaking in the creeks that run through Tangier Island
Moonrise on Tangier Island behind crab houses
Trent Pruitt riding around the number seven day marker at the eastern entrance to the island
Donna Crockett of Tangier tends to her husband’s crab shanty
Soft crabs ready for shipping off Smith Island
Danny Tyler fishing hard crab pots
Frying soft crabs
Abandoned home on Smith Island
Workboat running through the 'guts' on Smith Island
Allen Parks and his son Jacob fishing crab pots on Tangier Island
Abandoned workboat on Tangier Island
Aerial photo of Rhodes Point on Smith Island
Missy Evans of Smith Island fishing off the marsh
Blue crab in the grass on Smith Island