Maryland Coastal Bays: A Hidden Treasure Awaiting Discovery

Photography By | June 20, 2024
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Many have already experienced the thrill of Ocean City, stood in awe of the expansive Atlantic ocean from clean beaches, snacked on fries doused in malt vinegar and strolled the 3 miles of wooden boardwalk. People know about the fresh local seafood enjoyed in one of the many fine restaurants in the area or purchased fresh off the boats in the marina.

It’s easy to bask in the heat of the sun, eating an ice cream cone while listening to the sounds of delight from children and adults alike as they ride the rides and play the games that comprise some of our fondest memories of a Maryland beach vacation. But just minutes from the Boardwalk are hidden treasures just waiting to be explored: the Maryland Coastal Bays.

Imagine a warm sunny day and you are floating on clear blue waters. You look down and notice the silky ribbons of underwater grasses as they wave with the ebb and flow of the tide. Hundreds of silvery fish suddenly flash in the water and change direction as a blue crab swims by. In the distance, you hear the call of an osprey as it takes flight to survey the water in search of food. You breathe in the beauty and marvel at the energy around you. This is the world that the Maryland’s Coastal Bays offer and they are one of the best-kept secrets in the Mid-Atlantic.

Slow down and escape completely from the hustle and bustle of Ocean City and find an almost deserted landscape populated by wild horses, deer, and birds for every season. The Ilia Fehrer Nature Preserve offers birders and hikers a chance to discover the birds of our region or experience more primitive forested lands. Kayaking the back bays of Assateague and threading through the tidal marshes of Sinepuxent and Chincoteague Bays offers paddlers a special glimpse of the magical coastal ecosystem that characterizes Maryland’s Coastal Bays. Fish for flounder. Do the “Assateague shuffle” in search of clams. You can even stroll through the historic town of Berlin where local craft breweries, restaurants and shops can entertain you.

Maryland’s Coastal Bays are a special place. So special in fact, that the Environmental Protection Agency considered it to be an area of national ecological significance. In 1996, it was named as one of only 28 National Estuary Programs in the U.S.

The Maryland Coastal Bays Program has worked to protect and restore the waters of the Coastal Bays and the lands surrounding those waters, while enhancing the resilience of the watershed and its communities. The Program collaborates with Worcester County, the State of Maryland, and Assateague National Seashore to monitor water quality, restore habitat, and engage with residents and visitors about the environmental value of this vibrant ecosystem. Their work has protected this magical place for you to discover, explore and protect.

Ready to embark on your own Coastal Bays adventure? Assateague Outfitters, a local outfitter located on Assateague Island National Seashore, offers kayak and bike rentals as well as guided tours that will immerse you in the wonders of this unique landscape

In a world that never seems to slow down, the Maryland Coastal Bays offers sanctuary. Come, breathe in the salty air, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, and let the rhythms of nature soothe your soul. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or a deeper connection with the natural world, Maryland's Coastal Bays are a destination that will leave an imprint on your heart.


Five coastal watersheds- Assawoman Bay, Chincoteague Bay, Isle of Wight Bay, Newport Bay, and Sinepuxent Bay – make up Maryland’s Coastal Bay region, with 71,000 acres of water, 248 miles of shoreline, and nearly 35,000 acres of wetlands. Living within its boundaries is a variety of wildlife, including 360 different types of birds as well as more than 108 rare, endangered, and threatened species.

Maryland’s Coastal Bays Program
Assateague Outfitters
Trail to Restore the Shore
Voices of the Coastal Bays fisheries project and smart seafood guide

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