Smith Island Cake Commemorated

Photography By | June 20, 2024
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The traditional Smith Island Cake consists of eight to ten layers of yellow cake with chocolate frosting between each layer and slathered over the whole. Beloved by locals and visitors alike, in 2008, the Smith Island Cake became the State Dessert of Maryland, and has now been formally acknowledged as having a significant role in defining community and cultural identity.

The William G. Pomeroy Foundation, through the Hungry for History Program, recognizes food history by commemorating significant dishes that have played a role in defining American culture and forging community identity. Smith Island United, with help from the Beach to Bay Heritage Area and letters from local residents sharing their memories of baking the cakes with their mothers and grandmothers and mothers, the Smith Island Cake earned formal recognition. With that milestone, the Pomeroy Foundation provided funds for a sign marker to commemorate the Smith Island Cake.

For more information on Smith Island United, visit

Letters from local residents Mary Ada Marshall and Janice Marshall (both below) helped support the Smith Island Cake historic recognition application. 

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